These are a series of generative typographic illustrations done for Collins for the 35th Type Director's Club Annual. They were created by generating clouds of particles based on typographic forms, and subjecting them to varying turbulent forces. Others used scripts to create and deform wireframes. The result are living, animated typographic shapes, which counter the static idea of how a font or character should be represented. Out of dozens of generative shapes, only around ten were chosen as illustrations for the annual. See the animated video showing many of the forms designed, below.
These animations were created using Blender's particle system. The "T" below is composed of ~55k linear particles. The "B" is composed of ~50k icosahedral particles.

I've continued refining this technique, and incorporated a finer control of particle color - coloring individual particles based on velocity, age, and position. I've also expanded the technique beyond single characters to words and sentences.
I worked on this lyric video for Cordelia and the Buffalo, which makes use of the technique throughout. See samples below.